Dan , Olly and Ben are paddling in Scoresby Sund , the biggest fjordsystem
in the world .
Paddling next to an iceberg , Scoresby Sund fjordsystem .
Paddling next to Røde Ø (Red Island) , Milne Land , Scoresby Sund fjordsystem.
Arctic fauna in beautiful surroundings , Jamesonland .
Greenland sleddog crossing the river in Jamesonland .
Arctic fauna - actually , it is a small tree.
An arctic Laguna : The Walrus bay , Ittoqqortoormiit . Perfect for ice fishing in the spring , picnic or barbecue in summer , hiking and camping . Some children even swim here in summer !
Crossing over Walrus Bay , you'll reach Gule Fjeld (Yellow Mountain) , which is covered in concretions and funny stone formations. Yellow Mountain can be reached in a few hours .
Artist Charles Bezzina is creating a masterpiece for the local administration , in the Walrus Bay .
Cruise visit in Ittoqqortoormiit . Nanu Travel arranges open town packets for the yearly 20 cruise visits.
Arctic char is guaranteed the most tasty fish worldwide and can be caught several places in our area.
In summer we have sun 24 hrs a day in the Ittoqqortoormiit area . This photo was shot in the middle of the night.
Ann & Hansigne at Kap Hoegh , Liverpoolland at the outercoast.
Hot spring at Turner island .
Both blue and black berries can be collected in the Ittoqqortoormiit area in summer /early fall .
In the Ittoqqortoormiit area theres several cabins free of use scattered around. This one is at Kap Hoegh , Liverpoolland.
Happy cruisetourists are leaving Ittoqqortoormiit after a good visit.
Our passenger approved vessel , M/S Nanu on an expedition in the worlds biggest fjordsystem , Scoresby Sund.
Musk ox barbecue in Hekla Havn , Scoresby Sund fjordsystem . It was here Ryder overwintered with his ship " Hekla" , when exploring and mapping the fjordsystem.
The cabin in Hekla Havn at Denmark Island in the Scoresby Sund fjordsystem.
Preparing arctic char for dinner at the cabin at Danmark Oe / Hekla Havn in the Scoresby Sund fjordsystem.
View from Ittoqqortoormiit towards Amdrup Harbour. July.