Nanu Travel offers guided dogsledtrips, kayaktrips, boattrips and wildlifetrips in Greenland



We have put together a list of some of the greater projects , Nanu Travel ApS has been involved in .

See list of references below:

2004 : Providing transports , accomodation , catering & logistics for large group of skiers , including former olympic medal winner , Felix Belczyc.

"...My Greenland experience in Ittoqqortoormiit was without a doubt the best ski touring trip I have been on and ranks high on my list of favorite experiences on snow!"

-Felix Belczyc



2004 : Providing transports for Danish singer Erann DD during his stay in Ittoqqortoormiit.



2005 : Assisting German filmcrew during the making of a documentary (NDR)

Nanu Travel ApS took care of local arrangemenst and assisted in the research , during the shooting of the documentary .

READ MORE (German only)


2005 :  Providing guide for the Scott & Amundsens Expedition (Bbc)
Provided BBC with an experienced local guide , for their production of the Scott & Amundsens Expedition to the South Pole, a documentary where all photo shooting took place in East Greenland.



2004-2006 : Providing transports & logistical help for British School Expeditions (BSES)

BSES has several years in a row been visiting our area for exploring , climbing & sailing.



2006 : Assisting cruise operator Aker Yards in testing ice level  (Aker Yards)

Nanu Travel were assisting in several tests carried out to see if a huge ice breaker could arrive in spring . Tests were made in Carlsberg fjord and Vikingebugten .


2006 : Collecting tests from polar bears for University of Oslo (University of Oslo)


2006 : Assisting in the making of "Ian Wright's Excellent Adventure "
Nanu Travel ApS took care of local arrangements , while former Arsenal player , Ian Wright stayed in Ittoqqortoormiit .


2006 : Providing information & logistics for the Warming Island project (CNN)
Warming island was discovered in 2005 when ice retreat did that the island was no longer attached to the mainland . Scientists thinks Warming island is a direct result of global warming .


2007 : Providing information , assistance & logistics for Japanese TV crew (Skyland pla-net)

Nanu Travel ApS supported a great Japanese TV production , featuring a famous Japanese climber on expedition in Scoresby Sund fjordsystem .


2007 :  Assisting in the making of Dan Cruickshank's Adventures In Architecture (Bbc)Nanu Travel ApS organized all logistics during the weeklong shooting of this programme . It mainly involved building an igloo - a great project !



2007 : Arranging logistics for scout while making research for an upcoming documentary (Bbc)

The shooting will most likely take place in Ittoqqortoormiit region during spring , 2009. More information on this project will be posted as soon as possible.


2007 : Arranging transports , accomodation , kite surfing , catering & logistics for Sergey Brin & Larry Page (founders of

"A magical evening in a magical place . Thanks for your hospitality,delicious food and great stories ."
-Sergey Brin



2007 : Assisting in the making of the movie "Beyond the pole " (Shooting Pictures Broadcast )

Nanu Travel ApS took care of all logistics and transports , provided the project with translator , catering help and extra gear and accomodated more than 50 persons during the month-long film shooting .

Starring was among others Swedish actor , Alexander Skarsgaard .

Watch the film trailer HERE


2008 : Arranging a 3 week long dogsledge expedition in the worlds biggest nationalpark , with writer and former member of sledpatrol Sirius , Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen as expeditionleader . (Nanu Travel ApS & Profil Rejser)


2008 : Providing Norwegian film company with logistics , transports & information for a documentary shot in the Nationalpark ( AS Videomaker / Skysales)


2009: Providing logistical help in creating a huge logo on the ice for the french magazine,Paris Match.



2009:Shooting photos for Huttelihut catalogue



2009:Arranging "Open town packet" for "M/S Europa" -the highest rated cruiseship , worldwide.



2009:Arranging a 2 week long expedition around Liverpool Land for the Bank Family on which the family as the first ones circumnavigated Warming Island on dogsledges.



2009:Taking care of logistics related to Photographer Uri Golmans visit

See his websiteHERE


2010:Arranging dogsledgetrip for German photographer Michael Martin.

Link to his blog at Der Spiegel HERE

2010:Arranging expedition for World Wildlife Fund in cooperation with Hilmer&Koch.


Various articles & others

2006 : Article " Sæl som trofæjagt en succes " (KNR) - Danish only .


2006 : Radio interview in "Natursyn" / Jens Olesen (DR) - Danish only .


2007 : Article " Nanu Travel viser vejen"  (Nanu Travel shows the way)- Danish/Greenlandic only .


2008 : Nominated as "Daredevil of the year" (årets vovehals) / Organizerprice -Danish only .


2008 : Nanu Travels ApS is awarded "Organizer of the year" and receives a price from Bank of Greenland - Danish only .


2008 : Article " Iværksættere med pris" / Sermitsiaq - Danish only.


2010: Article "På overlevelsestur i Ittoqqortoormiit" / Sermitsiaq-Danish only.


2010:Photodiary , Duplo Photography,English. 

Camp in eveningsun , image by Nanu Travel

NDR making a documentary , image by Peter Von Sassen

Nanu Travel Guide , image by Nanu Travel

Ittoqqortoormiit from the seaside , summer . Image by Nanu Travel

Building igloo for Bbc , image by Nanu Travel

Kitesurfing in Hurry Fjord with , image by Nanu Travel

Sergey Brin and The Count , image by Nanu Travel

Nationalparkteam , image by Iain Roy

French Expedition , image by Nanu Travel

Assisting Japanese Tv production , image by Nanu Travel

Dinnerparty for VIPs , image by Nanu Travel